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Girl Scout Troop 484
(Carmel, Indiana)
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My go on with my heart and soul, devoting all my energies to Girl Scouts, and heart and hand with them, we will make our lives and the lives of the future girls happy, healthy and holy.
Juliette Gordon Low - founder of Girl Scouts

by Laura Hollenzer
Perhaps when she came home today you asked, "What did you do at Girl Scouts?"
When she replied, "Nothing but play", you were filled with doubts!
The weeks went by, you asked again, still she had no craft to show.
Then you began to wonder, why didn't they glue or sew?

For after all, it's dues each week, and driving here and there.
The uniform, permission slips, and cookie sale to share!
Ah... but she brought home much better things, that no glue or craft could make.
If only to lend a helping hand, when needed for someone's sake.

You see, although we think of Girl Scouting now, it really isn't "today"!
It's the Girl Scouting for tomorrow, and to help them explore a new way.
It's the caring, sharing, learning, growing, the Golden Rule is our thumb.
For she'll be the one with the helping hand, in the future years to come.

So, when she comes home the next time please, you can rest with a brand new start.
For the craft that she brought home today, is molded in her heart.

Thou shalt:
  1. Strive to understand the true purpose of Girl Scouting.
  2. Endeavor to get thy daughter to and from meetings on time.
  3. Recognize that a troop succeeds through team effort.
  4. Having accepted a troop task, see it through to the end.
  5. Set a good example at all times.
  6. Be enthusiastic and cheerful.
  7. Not regard the leader as a baby sitter.
  8. Bring troop problems to the leader first.
  9. Strive to do thy part willingly.
  10. Be aware that Girl Scouting is for ALL girls.
1. Green is always an appropriate fashion statement.
2. There is no such thing as trash, only future craft supplies.
3. Sleeping under the stars is invigorating to the soul.
4. You can survive in the wilderness with a flashlight and a pocketknife.
5. Girl Scout cookies have no fat and no calories.
6. Walk softly and carry a copy of Safetywise.
7. Always travel with a buddy.
8. Don't cry over spilled paint and don't sweat the small stuff.
9. Girls like to be seen and heard.
10. No song is too silly to sing and nobody sings off key.
11. Working on a team is much easier than working alone.
12. Plans gone awry can lead to the very best times.
13. That responsibility, opportunity, hard work and success are all related.
14. Girls really can rub two sticks together to make a fire.
15. You can learn something from the tiniest Girl Scout.
16. Good friends are like silver and gold.
17. There is no substitute for advance preparation.
18. There is no such thing as failure, only a change in plans.
19. You are never too old to try new things.
20. Leadership is a two way street.
21. Sharing knowledge is truly a path to immortality.
22. Never let petty politics keep you from your mission.
23. Patience really is a virtue.
24. If a Girl Scout Leader can't do it, nobody can.
25. A girl's smile is worth a thousand words.
26. If they are leading or succeeding, they probably were a Girl Scout.

Kathy Little 2001

There are those among us who volunteer their time
But whose contributions never seem to get above the line
Whose efforts keep us going and help the girls to grow
Who need us to see them and recognize their glow

To the man who gives 7 weekends a year,
Making sure leaders know how to cook
To the leader who is always on time, no matter what
With her finance report, cookie reports, other tracking and books

To the parent who always can drive and feed
Even if you call her just an hour before you leave
To the trainer who you know will handle any class
On any subject whether it have 1 or 50 attendees

To the Cookie Parent who has processed the papers,
Organized the booths, listened to the gripes, and still yes next year
To the volunteer who runs the programs Council can't afford
Because there are 5 or 10 girls who need some one to hear

To the leader who has run the high school troop For over 15 years.
Whose daughters now are crying to join, but no one has the time
To the volunteer who answers the phone at the office
While council staff gets trained, or meets, or takes a break

To the woman who can barely get out of bed each day
But is there to whatever it may take.
The volunteer who just is there, then one day...
Suddenly is not.

I ask that you share your thanks - and tell them
You mean a lot!

Kathryn Jacobs
. . .a young girl will feel the pride of being someone special as she carefully puts on her uniform for the very first time
. . . a girl can move to a new town and have "instant friendships" with girls she might never have met
. . . parents will experience that special pride when they listen to their daughter say the Girl Scout Promise for the first time
. . .bright eyes will become a little brighter with excitement as the kindling finally catches on the first campfire
. . .nervous giggles will emit from tents as girls try to fall asleep their first night of camp
. . .the community, and the world will be richer because a girl has learned the importance of caring for her environment, and the warm feeling that comes from giving service to someone less fortunate than herself
. . .a parent will find a gold trefoil carefully tucked away in a drawer as their daughter packs to leave home for her first adventures as a young adult
. . .a young women will contact Girl Scouts one day and say "I had so much fun when I was a Girl Scout, I'd like to try being a leader"

L--Laugh--remember to laugh at yourself and situations, keep it lite.
E--Enthusiastic--be happy, pleasant, and have a sense of humor.
A--Active--be involved and aware of what's going on in your troop.
D--Democratic--get input from parents and girls, "the GIRL is first in Girl Scouting".
E--Encouraging--let parents and girls know that they are needed and appreciated.
R--Respectful--of parents, girls and other volunteers; we are the example.

We are not experts. We're your next door neighbors. We're not perfect, we are just parents like you.
We don't have any more spare time or energy than you do, we all work full time and juggle our families and our schedules and try to keep it all together as best we can. The only difference between us is that we believe in what Girl Scouting has to offer. So much so, that we contribute our time, our miles, and our talents to help our girls and your girls grow in Scouting.

We complete authorization forms, budgets, and registrations, and fill our homes with boxes of paperwork that you will never see. We are required to take many hours of training as well as attend various meetings so that we can meet our greatest challenge- providing a variety of programs which meet the needs and interests of very individual girls. We try to involve parents who want us to understand that they don't have the time to drive on outings or help at meetings. We rejoice at the generosity of others.

Sometimes we find ourselves going in to many directions, we run out of steam. We have memory lapses. Communication lines break down. Time slips by. But that doesn't mean we don't care. So many evenings we spend on the phone, seeking advice and support from other leaders when disappointments or problems occur. "How do I keep my girl's attention?" "What are your ideas for the ceremony?" "How do you work with girls in different grades?"

Our dining tables are covered with bits of rope, menus, trip permits, craft supplies, paper work and badges for each and every girl in the troop. A couple of them won't show up, and don't think to call and let us know. Sometimes we feel unappreciated. Yet, these girls can fill us with pride at their determination and accomplishments. Their smiles light up a room; and when they say "Thank You", it makes it all worth it.

We help these girls build relationships. Some struggle more than others. Considerate, loyal, helpful, friendly... is encouraged by the Girl Scout Promise and Law. And sometimes we too must learn these lessons over and over again with the girls. But we are willing to keep learning. Please be patient if we appear distracted or frustrated or overwhelmed at times. Forgive us if we are not the kind of Leader you would be if you had the time. Instead, provide us with encouragement or offer your help. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

We are, after all, only mentors...role models...leaders. Volunteers who have taken an oath to give these girls, your girls, the most precious gift we have to offer- the gift of time.
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