Pack 195's
Home Page

Cub Scout Pack 195
(Colorado Springs, Colorado)
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Frequently Asked Questions for Pack 195

Q: Where does Pack 195 Meet?

A: Cub Scout Pack 195 holds most of its meetings at Pikes Peak Christian School @ 5905 Flintridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 (Except for some Den Go-See-It Events and other Pack Outings. You must log in to our private site to see Event Calendar for specific Event Locations.)

Q: When does Pack 195 have meetings?

A: Our Den and Pack meetings are on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. (Again, check our Event Calendar for specifics)

Q: Can I join Scouts if it is in the middle of the Scouting year?

A: YES! Your den leader will work with you to catch up on the requirements of your Scout's rank to bring him up to speed with the rest of the den.  It is also very helpful if you as a parent work on your Scout's achievements to help speed up the process.

Q: How much does it cost for my son to be in Cub Scouts?

A: The annual Pack dues are $45 per scout. At this point, uniforms and rank book costs are not covered by the Pack, and usually cost around $50 total.  Once you have your Scout's uniform, he'll keep it until he crosses over to become a Webelos which is in the 4th grade. Awards and beltloops expenses are covered by the Pack.  Other expenses are usually related to field trips ("Go-See-It") which require entry fees and food costs that are not all covered by the Pack.